Bug ID: 11679
           Summary: rsync should kill() itself when it receives a signal
                    from the user
           Product: rsync
           Version: 3.1.2
          Hardware: All
                OS: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: trivial
          Priority: P5
         Component: core
        QA Contact:

If rsync receives a signal that would cause it to exit with RERR_SIGNAL, I
think that it should kill() itself with that signal instead of calling

With the current behaviour, for example, if rsync is invoked from a shell
script and the user sends ^C, the shell script will not terminate unless it has
additional machinery to check the exit status of every rsync invocation. This
is not a reliable workaround, because depending on where in the rsync process
the signal was received, rsync may not ultimately exit with RERR_SIGNAL.

To interrupt a shell loop that invokes rsync, the shell loop would currently
require an additional indication that it should be broken, such as touching a
file, or a sleep(1) command after the rsync command together with multiple
signals, such as holding down ^C.

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