--- Comment #2 from Gennady Uraltsev <> --- Actually this doesn't help. $ mkdir src; mkdir dst; touch src/"$(echo -e 'foo\nbar')" $ rsync -n --out-format='%n' src/* dst/| tr '\n' '\0' | rsync -v --from0 --files-from=- src/ dst still fails completely. The problem is that the escaped string foo\#012bar gets all mangled up. So I think that --from0 doesn't exactly solve the problem. The only way to solve the problem is $ rsync -n --out-format='%n' src/* dst/| tr '\n' '\0'| sed 's/\\#012/\n/' | rsync -v --from0 --files-from=- src/ dst but maybe we could agree that this is needlessly complicated. A more consistent way of dealing with this would be great especially bearing in mind that this failure is not documented... Finally it is still completely unexpected that foo\#012bar gets changed into foo\#134#012bar Anyway the problem with space delimited strings is more as follows. Immagine I want to parse the log file generated with --out-format='%n %h %M %C' in a reliable way by some external program. Without consistent and documented escaping there seems no way to do this. -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the QA Contact for the bug. -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: Before posting, read: