Running debian wheezy w/ rsync 3.0.9-4. The command in question is rsync -vahHz --delete --exclude '/proc' --exclude '*.iso' --exclude '/home/holtzm/mail/backup' --exclude '/sys ' --exclude '/tmp'--exclude '/media' /. /media/cf0a98ed-3c11-4107-b61e-f5139d024396/Wheezy-laptop
notice the --exclude '/media' notation. This setup has been working for me for several years without a problem. Suddenly --exclude '/media' is being ignored and I find it backing up the backup, creating an endless loop and a tremendous file before I catch it and stop the process. Not being a coder, I'm at a loss as to how to begin attacking this problem. Any pointers appreciated. -- Bob Holtzman A fair fight is the result of poor planning. -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: Before posting, read: