--- Comment #6 from Kevin Korb <> ---
> no! rsync -rav -vvii 2015 ./delme
> results in no preservation of attributes. -a includes -A BTW!

That makes no sense at all.  -vvii only modifies output.  -a includes -r but it
specifically does NOT include -A.  Here is the line from the man page:
    -a, --archive               archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)

> [john@johnsplace Downloads]$ rsync -ravAvvii --debug 2015 delme
> results in all directories and files having the current date/time.

Because you are using --debug wrong (see the next block)

> akso I tried the following:
> rsync -ravAvvii --debug /usr/lib/* delme
> Unknown --debug item: "/usr/lib/abrt-java-connector"
> rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at options.c(450) [client=3.1.1]

Again, this is not how you use --debug.  The --debug option takes a second
parameter and it is interpreting the first filename as that parameter.  Frankly
I am not sure why "--debug 2015" wasn't also causing this syntax error.

When you run:
rsync -rav 2015 delete_me/
The 2015 parameter is what kind of debugging you want not a source parameter. 
All rsync is going to do is list the delete_me directory.

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