Hash: SHA1

This doesn't quite make sense.  Your target and compare-dest dirs are
the same dir (the compare-dest is relative to the target so ../dest is
the same thing).  Also, --backup only matters when rsync is deleting
or overwriting something which it isn't doing.

I would suggest using --link-dest instead of --compare-dest or --backup

On 09/03/2015 08:45 AM, Celso de Sousa Junior wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use rsync for incremental backup and I am facing
> some issues. I would like to ask your help to understand what is
> going on and have the proper command line.
> 1) my goal is
> I the following folders:
> ./dest: file3.txt
> ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> And I would like to have as incremental backup
> ./dest: backup      file1.txt     file2.txt  file3.txt
> ./dest/backup: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> However, I got the following. Also, if I repeat the command, the
> files are deleted from /dest.
> ./dest: backup      file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> file3.txt
> ./dest/backup:
> ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> 2) simulation that I did
> [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: rsync --backup
> --backup-dir=backup -avi --compare-dest=../dest
> /tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests/orig/ /tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests/dest/ sending
> incremental file list
>> f+++++++++ file1.txt f+++++++++ file10.txt f+++++++++ file2.txt 
>> f+++++++++ file20.txt
> sent 283 bytes  received 92 bytes  750.00 bytes/sec total size is 0
> speedup is 0.00 [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: ls -R 
> backup-fullincremental.sh   backup-fullincremental2.sh dest
> orig
> ./dest: backup      file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> file3.txt
> ./dest/backup:
> ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt 
> [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: rsync --backup
> --backup-dir=backup -avi --compare-dest=../dest
> /tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests/orig/ /tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests/dest/ sending
> incremental file list
> sent 123 bytes  received 12 bytes  270.00 bytes/sec total size is 0
> speedup is 0.00 [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: 
> [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: 
> [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: ls -R backup-fullincremental.sh
> backup-fullincremental2.sh dest                        orig
> ./dest: backup     file3.txt
> ./dest/backup:
> ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt 
> [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]:
> Thanks, Regards, CJ
> Em Quinta-feira, 3 de Setembro de 2015 9:13, Celso de Sousa Junior 
> <celso_de_sousa_jun...@yahoo.com.br> escreveu:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use rsync for incremental backup and I am facing
> some issues. I would like to ask your help to understand what is
> going on and have the proper command line.
> 1) my goal is
> I the following folders:
> ./dest: file3.txt
> ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> And I would like to have as incremental backup
> ./dest: backup      file1.txt     file2.txt  file3.txt
> ./dest/backup: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> However, I got the following. Also, if I repeat the command, the
> files are deleted from /dest.
> ./dest: backup      file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> file3.txt
> ./dest/backup:
> ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> 2) simulation that I did
> [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: rsync --backup
> --backup-dir=backup -avi --compare-dest=../dest
> /tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests/orig/ /tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests/dest/ sending
> incremental file list
>> f+++++++++ file1.txt f+++++++++ file10.txt f+++++++++ file2.txt 
>> f+++++++++ file20.txt
> sent 283 bytes  received 92 bytes  750.00 bytes/sec total size is 0
> speedup is 0.00 [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: ls -R 
> backup-fullincremental.sh   backup-fullincremental2.sh dest
> orig
> ./dest: backup      file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt
> file3.txt
> ./dest/backup:
> ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt 
> [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: rsync --backup
> --backup-dir=backup -avi --compare-dest=../dest
> /tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests/orig/ /tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests/dest/ sending
> incremental file list
> sent 123 bytes  received 12 bytes  270.00 bytes/sec total size is 0
> speedup is 0.00 [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: 
> [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: 
> [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]: ls -R backup-fullincremental.sh
> backup-fullincremental2.sh dest                        orig
> ./dest: backup     file3.txt
> ./dest/backup:
> ./orig: file1.txt   file10.txt  file2.txt   file20.txt 
> [billqap1:/tmp/edbcdsj/rsynctests]:
> Thanks, Regards, Celso

- -- 
- -*~
        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
        Systems Administrator           Internet:
        FutureQuest, Inc.               ke...@futurequest.net  (work)
        Orlando, Florida                k...@sanitarium.net (personal)
        Web page:                       http://www.sanitarium.net/
        PGP public key available on web site.
- -*~
Version: GnuPG v2


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