> On Aug 17, 2015, at 5:03 PM, Wayne Davison <way...@samba.org> wrote:
> The use of "{}" on the receiving (remote) side is superfluous -- just 
> specifying a destination dir (your .../Drive5/ path) is enough for rsync to 
> use the same name as the source file on the destination.

That is the case if {} contains simply a file name, but is not the case when {} 
contains a relative path as well.

cd /path/to/root

find . -type f -exec rsync {} /path/to/dest/{}
  => /path/to/dest/path/to/file

find . -type f -exec rsync {} /path/to/dest/
  => /path/to/dest/file

> For those instances where you want/need to specify a remote filename, see the 
> --protect-args (-s) option (which you can make the default via "export 
> RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS=1", and which will eventually become the default in the 
> future).  Finally, the suggestion to use --files-from=- is a good one, which 
> fixes all quoting issues even on the local side.\"{}\”


"Any man who says he can see through women is really missing a lot." -
Groucho Marx

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