David Taylor <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |davidt-samba-bugzilla@yadt.
                   |                            |

--- Comment #2 from David Taylor <> ---
Created attachment 10585
prototype patch for --reflink support

I have written a rough draft of a patch to enable support for (Btrfs) reflinks
in rsync.  It is very lightly tested.

Only Btrfs is supported (using BTRFS_IOC_CLONE), and this is intended to
provide a better alternative to --inplace for updating a backup which will be
snapshotted repeatedly.  It avoids the problems of --inplace with
partial updates and stale hardlinks.

It adds two new options:


When updating an existing file, rather than creating an entirely new temporary
file, rsync will create a 'reflink' copy of the original file and update it in
place.  When creating a backup copy of a file, rsync will also create a
'reflink' copy rather than rewriting the file.  If a 'reflink' copy cannot be
performed it will fall back to the normal, non-reflink behaviour.

--reflink-always behaves like --reflink, but disables the fallback if a reflink

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