Bug ID: 11013
           Summary: [patch] Mention that privileges are dropped, when "use
                    chroot" is enabled in rsyncd.conf manpage
           Product: rsync
           Version: 3.1.1
          Hardware: All
                OS: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: trivial
          Priority: P5
         Component: core
        QA Contact:

Created attachment 10544
Proposed patch for rsyncd.conf.yo

The manpage of rsyncd.conf says when "use chroot" is enabled this is "as though
--numeric-ids had been specified". 

When rsyncing a file from host A to host B using:
rsync -av sometestfile rsync://some_test_user@hostB/backup/

the uid and the gid of the source file on host A are not set accordingly on
host B. Even not if --numeric-ids is specified explicitly, on both server and
client side.

Relevant part of the server config:

use chroot = yes

list = yes
path = /zdata/backup/
comment = Some comment
read only = no
auth users = some_test_user
secrets file = /usr/local/etc/rsync/rsyncd.secrets
numeric ids = yes

I fixed that by adding "uid = root" to rsyncd.conf.

The manpage does not mention that behavior at all.

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