--- Comment #1 from Shawn Heisey <> --- I really like this idea. I'm using rsync extensively during a storage migration, as it's the only tool that can quickly and effectively synchronize a source tree to a destination tree when there are periodic changes to the source tree. I've had so many rsyncs (in screen) going over the last few months that I can practically do it in my sleep ... and when you're synchronizing millions of files in a provider subdirectory, it takes quite a while, and it would be really nice to be able to hit a key or send a signal and have it tell you what source file it just did a stat on. This is perhaps not exactly the correct place for this next comment, but it's the only place I have at the moment: Thank you to everyone who made rsync possible. -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the QA Contact for the bug. -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: Before posting, read: