Some more details on my problem.
The machine have Ubuntu 12.04 with rsync version 3.0.9
I am using this server as data server using "Netatalk" for share with apple OS 
for my graphics work, so here i save my work containing file created by 
(indesign, photoshop, illustrator, quark xpress, mathtype etc.)
I have try to backup my shared folder on external HDD using "rsync" mounting 
external HDD in local. But in backup copy the font file result Zero kb.

Here is the result i try to backup only the folder containing font.
Here PROVA_BKP_SRC is source directory(folder on local HDD) and BKP_DES is 
folder on external HDD mounted in local. 

# rsync -av PROVA_BKP_SRC/ /BKP_DES/
sending incremental file list
Times Bold Italic/
Times Bold Italic/BI Times BoldItalic
Times Bold Italic/TimesBolIta
Times Bold Italic/.AppleDouble/
Times Bold Italic/.AppleDouble/.Parent
Times Bold Italic/.AppleDouble/BI Times BoldItalic
Times Bold Italic/.AppleDouble/TimesBolIta
Times Bold/
Times Bold/B Times Bold
Times Bold/TimesBol
Times Bold/.AppleDouble/
Times Bold/.AppleDouble/.Parent
Times Bold/.AppleDouble/B Times Bold
Times Bold/.AppleDouble/TimesBol
Times Italic/
Times Italic/I Times Italic
Times Italic/TimesIta
Times Italic/.AppleDouble/
Times Italic/.AppleDouble/.Parent
Times Italic/.AppleDouble/I Times Italic
Times Italic/.AppleDouble/TimesIta
Times Roman/
Times Roman/Times
Times Roman/TimesRom
Times Roman/.AppleDouble/
Times Roman/.AppleDouble/.Parent
Times Roman/.AppleDouble/Times
Times Roman/.AppleDouble/TimesRom

sent 183840 bytes  received 447 bytes  368574.00 bytes/sec
total size is 183542  speedup is 1.00

Il giorno 12/dic/2014, alle ore 13.02, ha scritto:

> yes
>> Gesendet: Freitag, 12. Dezember 2014 um 12:59 Uhr
>> Von: "Ram Ballu" <>
>> An:
>> Betreff: Re: Aw: rsync not copy all information for font file
>> Ronald, 
>> thanks a lot for your kind suggestion and for compliments on my english(i 
>> take it like compliments :-) )
>> I will try after sometime as you say me and than update you.
>> so now command i have to use is 
>> "rsync -av /source_folder /Destination_folder" ?
>> Thanks again
>> Ram
>> Il giorno 12/dic/2014, alle ore 11.27, ha scritto:
>>> you mean, rsync "silently" creates 0kb sized files and only a special type 
>>> of file shows this behaviour?
>>> try increasing rsync verbosity with "-v" , delete the 0kb files and retry. 
>>> you can send the output of rsync to this list if it`s not too long if you 
>>> don`t get a clue from that. mind that it may contain private information.
>>> you should also omit "-z" because it makes no sense for local transfer. you 
>>> do not want compression here, because it slows things down and burns cpu 
>>> for nothing.
>>> regards
>>> roland
>>> ps:
>>> i`m no native english speaker, but i think your english is quite ok.
>>>> Gesendet: Freitag, 12. Dezember 2014 um 10:44 Uhr
>>>> Von: "Ram Ballu" <>
>>>> An:
>>>> Betreff: rsync not copy all information for font file
>>>> Good morning list, 
>>>> this is my first question and hope really to get an answer, sorry for my 
>>>> bad english :-(
>>>> Ok so i have a machine with ubuntu and use as data server for my graphics 
>>>> works. 
>>>> Now i am trying to backup my folder on an external HDD using "rsync" where 
>>>> i save all my data file (file of graphics software, image, font etc.).
>>>> For this i mount HDD in local and launch command "rsync  -avz  
>>>> source_folder  destination_folder.
>>>> I notice that in backup copy font file have zero kb size rather than 25-60 
>>>> kb in source folder and i can't use the font from backup folder as it 
>>>> results zero kb.
>>>> Can someone help me to solve this issue.
>>>> Thanks in advance to all for reading this and spend your time.
>>>> Ram
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