Hi there,
I am running rsync-3.0.6-12.el6.x86_64 on a centos 6.6 box. Am trying to
get files from a remote server (centos 6.5) to my local machine. It
appears to connect fine, but does not transfer any file. this is what I
am seeing

[youcantoo@testbox home]# rsync -avvvzh -P --stats --delete
servername::backupdir/ /home/findmoore

opening tcp connection to servername port 873
sending daemon args: --server --sender -vvlogDtprze.iLs . backupdir/
Welcome to the servername rsync server.

  You may download the distribution by using the appropriate module name.
  For example:

  rsync -avz -P --stats --delete username@servername::modulename/

receiving incremental file list
received 1 names
recv_file_list done
get_local_name count=1 /home/findmoore
generator starting pid=2499
delta-transmission enabled
recv_files(1) starting
generate_files phase=1
recv_files phase=1
generate_files phase=2
recv_files phase=2
generate_files phase=3
recv_files finished

rsync[2432] (receiver) heap statistics:
  arena:         135168   (bytes from sbrk)
  ordblks:            2   (chunks not in use)
  smblks:             2
  hblks:              2   (chunks from mmap)
  hblkhd:        401408   (bytes from mmap)
  allmem:        536576   (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
  usmblks:            0
  fsmblks:          192
  uordblks:       57200   (bytes used)
  fordblks:       77968   (bytes free)
  keepcost:       64288   (bytes in releasable chunk)

rsync[2430] (generator) heap statistics:
  arena:         135168   (bytes from sbrk)
  ordblks:            2   (chunks not in use)
  smblks:             4
  hblks:              2   (chunks from mmap)
  hblkhd:        401408   (bytes from mmap)
  allmem:        536576   (bytes from sbrk + mmap)
  usmblks:            0
  fsmblks:          384
  uordblks:       57200   (bytes used)
  fordblks:       77968   (bytes free)
  keepcost:       64288   (bytes in releasable chunk)

Number of files: 1
Number of files transferred: 0
Total file size: 0 bytes
Total transferred file size: 0 bytes
Literal data: 0 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 34
File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 34
Total bytes received: 283

sent 34 bytes  received 283 bytes  634.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
[youcantoo@testbox home]#

I have also tried this way with the same results

rsync -avvvzh -P --stats --delete username@servername:/home/backups/

this is what my rsyncd.conf file looks like

motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
log format = %t %a %m %f %b

   path = /home/findmoore/
   comment = backup directory
   read only = yes
   uid = root
   gid = root
   max connections = 2
   timeout =300

I have changed the read only line to bot yes and no without any change
in the results.

Can any suggest what might be causing this?   Thanks in advance

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