Wayne Davison <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED
         Resolution|                            |INVALID

--- Comment #1 from Wayne Davison <> 2014-08-22 05:41:33 UTC ---
There's nothing more rsync can do about this.  It always calls a time function
prior to going into the chroot, but if your OS decides to re-check the time
files after that, you'll need to either supply those files in the chroot, or
live with the alternate timezone.  See the rsyncd.conf manpage for how to setup
a deeper dir in a chroot that doesn't allow the user to see the chrooted
timezone files (e.g. "Path = /chroot/./copy-dir" allows you to create
/chroot/etc that the user can't get to) and/or the exclude option (in the
config file).

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