Folks, I would find the output of -stats information to be useful when rsync fails.
Typically, we use rsync to do backups, and if an rsync fails, we'd like to know how much data has been transferred in the failed run, to report on our internal web page for the backups, and to make estimates of how much work a resumed run might have to do. At present, we have no idea. Thanks Regards Rob. Dr Robert C. Bell HPC National Partnerships | Scientific Computing Information Management and Technology CSIRO T +61 3 9669 8102 Alt +61 3 8601 3810 Mob +61 428 108 333<> | | Street: CSIRO ASC Level 11, 700 Collins Street, Docklands Vic 3008, Australia Postal: CSIRO ASC Level 11, GPO Box 1289, Melbourne Vic 3001, Australia -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: Before posting, read: