it`s probably not exactly what you want, but have a look at this:


>List:       rsync
>Subject:    Adjusting transfer rate on the fly
>From:       mr queue <mrqueue32 () gmail ! com>
>Date:       2014-07-20 0:43:12
>Message-ID: CACcQGfYPLTbyg-dfYzTKytxxKmGS5hy+d-pY47yrCzG2-5uPug () mail ! 
>gmail ! com
>[Download message RAW]
>Does anyone know if it is possible to adjust the value of --bwlimt= on
>the fly using gdb or the like? I've adjusted mysql max_connections in
>the past with gdb and was curious if I would be able to make
>adjustments to rsync in a similar fashion.
>I am very well aware I can stop it and start it again with a new
>value. That is not what I'm after here.
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