On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 6:40 PM, Don Cohen <don-rs...@isis.cs3-inc.com>

> An output line like asd\#002\#003zxc could either mean a file of that name
> or asd^B\#003zxc or asd^B^Czxc or asd\#002^Czxc

Did you test that theory?  Give it a try and you'll discover that \#
followed by 3 digits in a filename always encodes the backslash, so there
is never an ambiguity in replacing \#NNN sequences in the output of
filenames. Only full 5-char sequences are affected that way, so the
decoding rule is as simple as:

  s/\\#(\d\d\d)/ chr(oct($1)) /eg;

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