Wayne Davison <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|ASSIGNED                    |RESOLVED
         Resolution|                            |FIXED

--- Comment #14 from Wayne Davison <> 2014-04-19 19:27:42 UTC 
I have just added a new-style compression to rsync that is compatible with an
external zlib.  This is currently requested by repeating the --compress option
(-zz), but will eventually become the default.  If a distribution decides to
configure rsync using --with-included-zlib=no then they will only get support
for the new-style compression.  In such an rsync, attempting to use -z will
give a warning and run w/o compression (though a server-side rsync must reject
old-style compression if it doesn't support it).

Hopefully fedora will be comfortable going back to the included zlib in rsync
for a while longer in order to give people time to get 3.1.1 more widely
supported before disabling support for the old-style compression.

In either case at least rsync will not fail in strange ways.

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