--- Comment #1 from Ben RUBSON <> 2013-12-19 13:54:52 UTC --- Hello, I encounter same issue, I have sometimes a huge amount of files to delete. Rsync daemon can take a lot of time to delete them, leading Rsync client into a timeout... Another similar situation encountered is when the daemon is hard-linking a very huge amount of files (when the client uses --link-dest) and takes a very long time to perform this task. According to Wayne : both sides of the transfer try to periodically send a keep-alive message if too much time has elapsed since some data was transferred. However, Rsync does not always check this enough in some circumstances. Version 3.1.0 has an improved keep-alive setup that may help. Note that Wayne has improved keepalive process even after 3.1.0 release : I have not tested it yet, but I plan to do it to know whether or not it resolves timeout problems during deletion and hard-linking. Ben -- Configure bugmail: ------- You are receiving this mail because: ------- You are the QA contact for the bug. -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: Before posting, read: