Thanks. I suspected hardware issue as well. However I did a local
rsync test at the USB drive side and NAS side with the same files. If
there was a local hardware problem (RAM or USB hard drive driver etc)
it should show up in this test, but everything was fine!

Could it be network driver somehow corrupting data? Although it is
hard to believe. I have used the NAS attached to the router for years,
never noticed any network issue. Also the rsync checksum after
transfer should catch this case, right?

I did the original test (transferring data from NAS to router back to
NAS) using rsync over ssh. This time I did see several warning
messages, saying "xxxx failed verification -- update discarded (will
try again)". The diff was fine, apparently the retry worked.

I am fairly puzzled. Hopefully someone can help shed some light to
track it down.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Kevin Korb <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I have seen this behavior before.  Twice.
> Both times the cause was bad RAM on the target system.  The bad RAM
> was corrupting the files within the disk write cache so that rsync
> believed it was writing the correct data but the disk was not getting
> the correct data.  Ever since that happened to me I have insisted on
> ECC RAM and have never had such a problem again.
> It is also possible that a disk or disk controller could be at fault.
> Rsync does do an in memory checksum before it renames the file into
> place but it does not re-read the file back from the disk (which in
> reality would also require a dump of the cache).
> On 03/08/13 20:55, xiaolong mou wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am backing up about 500G of data from a linux-based NAS to a USB
>> hard drive attached to a router (rt-n16 with tomatousb firmware).
>> Both NAS and the router have rsync-3.0.9. The router is running
>> rsync in the daemon mode. To test the set up, I rsync'd the files
>> to the empty USB hard drive, then back to the NAS in a new temp
>> dir. Afterwards, I did a local "diff -r" on the NAS. To my
>> surprise, a few files were corrupted (only 3 out of 17K files).
>> "cmp -l" shows single byte difference between the original and
>> rsync'd files. However, I didn't see any error message on the NAS
>> side or in the rsyncd logs. How is that possible? Doesn't rsync
>> always do a checksum verification after copying the files?  I have
>> been using rsync for years for local backup. The feeling of silent
>> file corruption is scary. Could someone point me to the right
>> direction? I really want to get to the bottom of this. Much
>> appreciated.
>> Regards, Xiaolong
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>         Systems Administrator           Internet:
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>         Orlando, Florida       (personal)
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