This looks like a shell issue to me. 


> rsync "root@\ 
> 2012/" "/Volumes/PromiseRAID/Satz/Akzidenzen 2012" 2>&1


> rsync "root@'/Volumes/WD-Daten/XserveMirror/Satz/Akzidenzen 
> 2012/'" "/Volumes/PromiseRAID/Satz/Akzidenzen 2012" 2>&1

When the path is being sent to the remote system there needs to be something 
telling the remote system that the blank is part of the file name.


Sent from my iPad

On Mar 1, 2013, at 18:57, Achim Denzl <> wrote:

> Hi anybody!
> I'm not shure if this really is a rsync problem, it might also be a shell 
> issue. But hopefully, someone has a hint for me ;-)
> I'm using rsync 3.0.9 on two OS X Servers (FreeBSD) to synchronize several 
> folders between both servers (2-way-sync). Works fine, with one exception: 
> One of the directories to be sync'd contains a whitespace in its pathname, 
> and this one only works in one direction and fails in the other.
> Here's the first one (it's all on one line):
> rsync "/Volumes/PromiseRAID/Satz/Akzidenzen 2012/" 
> "root@ 2012" 2>&1
> This one works fine, no problems so far.
> And now, the other way round:
> rsync "root@ 
> 2012/" "/Volumes/PromiseRAID/Satz/Akzidenzen 2012" 2>&1
> This one throws the following errors:
> rsync: link_stat "/Volumes/WD-Daten/XserveMirror/Satz/Akzidenzen" failed: No 
> such file or directory (2)
> rsync: change_dir "/private/var/root//2012" failed: No such file or directory 
> (2)
> rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) 
> (code 23) at main.c(1588) [Receiver=3.0.9]
> Both pathes are correct and I could hunt the problem down to the space 
> character between "Akzidenzen" and "2012". I tried to escape it with
> "\ " and also tried omitting the quotes around the path, but the only thing 
> that happened was, that the formerly working command failed and the broken 
> one suddenly worked ok. Strange :-/
> But somehow, both directions ought to work, and I'm stuck here...
> BTW: For better readability, I removed the rsync-options in the lines above. 
> They are: -naxuNXzh --timeout=1800 --fileflags --partial-dir=.rsync-partial 
> --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync --stats.
> Maybe someone can help...
> Thanks!
> Achim
> -- 
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