On 9 May 2012, at 14:57, James Relph <ja...@themacplace.co.uk> wrote:

>> The 3.1.0dev version (which is next up for a release) has some solaris xattr 
>> support.  Check it out via git or a nightly tar file. 
> Cool, thanks very much.  Is there some documentation about the level of the 
> solaris xattr support?
> I'll download it and give it a go.

As an update to this I have had chance to try this and 3.1.0dev allows xattrs 
to be transferred very successfully between Solaris and Mac OS X, which is 
great from a backup point of view.

I compiled 3.1.0dev on both systems (no patches, default options - OpenIndiana 
151a3 at one end and Mac OS X 10.6.8 at the other) and then did a pretty 
straightforward:  /usr/local/bin/rsync -ax --xattrs ... to sync a folder (with 
Finder colours applied) from the Mac OS X system to the Solaris system.  Did a 
runat/ls on the transferred folder on the Solaris side and got:

SUNWattr_ro  SUNWattr_rw  com.apple.FinderInfo

Looked good!

Did a reverse transfer and the colours came straight back up in the Finder.

Very useful feature from my point of view, we're consolidating a lot of our 
storage onto ZFS so being able to use rsync to backup files with xattrs without 
using something to convert to AppleDouble is excellent.  Thanks!  Any idea of 
when 3.1.0 may go stable?


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