Hello Andreas,

When I met Jim Cline at the Denver Conference he spoke about a fluid to drop into a (possibly backloaded) powder sample in order to make it solid. I will not put Jim's e-mail address on the Rietveld list but am quite sure he is subscribed - Jim, could you advise?

With best regards,

Dr. Martijn J. Fransen
Product Manager XRD
Lelyweg 1
7602 EA  Almelo, The Netherlands
Phone ++31 546 534 345
Fax ++ 31 546 534 598
Take a look at our new website! www.panalytical.com

Andreas Leineweber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

09/09/2004 03:57 PM
Please respond to

back loading

Dear all,

when powder samples are measured in reflection on back-loaded samples on
a theta-2theta diffractometer, there is always the danger that upon
sample spinning the powder can fall out of its cavity. As a solution I
tried a thin mylar foil, which, however, gives nasty background. Another
procedure may be a little bit of glue (e.g. dissolved in a solvent to
dillute it).
Has somebody some practical good experiences with certain types of glues
(influence on background, how much glue, which solvent) or does somebody
know some further tricks.
Thank you for your help

PS. I am working with the Philips/Panalytical sample preparation equipment.

Dr. Andreas Leineweber
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Metallforschung
Heisenbergstrasse 3
70569 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49 (0)711 689 3365
Telefax: +49 (0)711 689 3312

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  Andreas, When I met Jim Cline at the Denver Conference he spoke about a
  fluid to drop into a (possibly backloaded) powder sample in order to
  make it solid. I will not put Jim's e-mail address on the Rietveld list
  but am quite sure he is subscribed - Jim, could you advise? [...] 

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