Dear list members,

We have been refining some synchrotron X-rays diffraction data collected
at constant steps in Q space using GSAS. But due to some funny
peakshapes I would like to change to FULLPROF, where more flexible
peakshapes are available. But FULLPROF is not accepting data other than
constant step in 2theta (as far as I know).
I have planned to build a new dataset, with constant 2theta step, by
linear interpolation of two observed points of the variable step 2theta
data coming from the original diagram. 
Will this procedure provide me a statistically significant dataset?, in
an affirmative case: what number of data-points (or what step in 2theta)
should I use for the interpolation? (considering that at low 2theta the
Q steps are short and at high 2theta they are longer).
Probably there are alternatives that I am not considering. Could anyone
give me a hint.
Thanks a lot in advance.


Dr. Leopoldo Suescun
Laboratorio de Cristalografía, Estado Sólido y Materiales
Facultad de Química. CC 1157
Av. Gral. Flores 2124
11800 Montevideo, Uruguay

"No venderé el rico patrimonio de los Orientales al bajo precio de la
                               José Artigas 

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