
The best people to reply on behalf of fundamental parameters would be Alan
Coehlo or Arnt Kern.   
But until they do here goes....

The more general form is convolution-based profile fitting.  This can be
used for all peak profile types, whereas 'pure' fundamental parameters has
only been inmplemented for the simple Bragg-Brentano case (no
monochromators).  Other geometries have to be empirically modelled using a
standard and some sort of user-defined convolution on top of the source
profile.  Better fits can often be obtained using this type of fitting than
the normal pseudo-Voigt or Pearson VII functions (in my experience at
least).  Where convolution-based fitting really comes into its own in in
complex quantitative Rietveld analysis where the number of refined variables
would become untenable for normal peak fitting.  Using convolution-based
fitting it is possible to cope with upwards of 10 phases with severe peak
overlap and still get good results with good stability. For example,
quantitative Rietveld analysis of cements is becoming routine.


Dr Pamela Whitfield CChem MRSC
Energy Materials Group
Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology
Building M12
National Research Council Canada
1200 Montreal Road
Ottawa  ON   K1A 0R6
Tel: (613) 998 8462         Fax: (613) 991 2384
Email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-----Original Message-----
From: Nandini Devi Radhamonyamma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: June 4, 2004 6:42 AM

Dear All,

Is the fundamental parameter approach better than
mathematical approach used in most of the Rietveld
refinement programs? Does that mean programs which use
that approach are better? Any suggestions?


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