Dear All,

   I need a whole set of sample data file in the ICDD *.PD3 format and/or some sample 
data files which can be converted using the PDF3FC program from the ICDD. 

   In addition, I will appreciate if you can send me any sample data with new format 
(ASC or Binary with full format descriptions), i.e., not available in my "PowderX" 

   The current version of PowderX can read the following data format:
1. MAC SCIENCE (*.#):  Intensity list with 53 lines header describing the experimental 
information (ASCII data file).
2. BD90 (*.raw) : The data file in *.raw format obtained using BD90 diffractometer 
(Diffractometer made by Peking University).
3. X-Y (*.xrd): Any ASCII data file  using the following format:
   First Line: Sample Name or any information with size <= 80 characters. 
   Second Line: Total number of the data point.
   Third line to End: two column table of 2theta vs. Intensity data pairs.
4. RIGAKU (*.###): The file have 84 lines for experimental conditions, and followed by 
4 column list of intensity data.
5. Sietronics (*.cpi).
6. TsingHua Rigaku (*.usr): Read Rigaku ASCII File with data format used by QingHua 
7. Siemens (*.uxd):  Read Siemens ASCII data Files (*.uxd).
8. Siemens (*.raw):  Read Siemens binary data Files (*.raw) begin with "raw ", 
"raw1.01" and "raw2", three different versions.
9. Philips (*.udf):  Read Philips ASCII data Files (*.udf).
10. Philips (*.rd):  Read Philips binary data Files (*.rd).
11. Mac Science raw (*.#):  Read Mac Science binary data Files (*.#).
12. RIET7:  Read modified  RIET77 data Files from Daresbury Laboratory (*.dat):
    First 4 lines header, fifth line start, step, stop (free format),   following data 
in free format (can either be rows or columns).
13. ORTEC Maestro (*.chn):  Read Maestro (V3.10) data file from EG & G ORTEC model 
A65-BI multi-channel anylyzer.

PowderX now can write in the following formats:
(1). ALLHKL (.POW), (2) Sietronics (.CPI), (3). Fourya (.XDD), (4). FullProf (.DAT), 
(5). GSAS (.DAT), (6). Rietan (.INT), (7). Simpro (.DUO) file, (8). X-Y (.XRD), a 
ASCII file in two column table.9)DBWS (*.DAT) file used for DBWS-9411 Rietveld 
refinement program (10)LHPM (*.dat) file in the format of first line 3F8 and remaining 
intensities  10F8.
Thank you very much for your help!

Cheng Dong

Dr. Cheng Dong
Institute of Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 603, Beijing 100080


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