Hello everybody,
I think my question is rather basic, so I apologize for my ignorance. I'm
relatively new to the field of diffraction and Rietveld analysis, so I'm
trying to learn as quickly as possible.
In my latest analyses, I've found that at low angles, my peaks are rather
asymmetric, with a tail towards the low angle side. Since Rietveld programs
fit the entire spectrum, this asymmetry is often a cause of reduced
reliability of my refinements. I was wondering what causes this asymmetry.
I'm using a Philips X'Pert Pro goniometer with programmable divergence and
anti-scatter slits. I set these at a constant irradiated surface of 15mm,
but reducing this to 5 mm does not change the asymmetry. The receiving slit
is set at 0.05mm to reduce peak width.
Anybody ?
Sven Van den Berghe
Sven Van den Berghe
Assistant Scientific Researcher
Reactor Materials Research Department (RMO)
Laboratory for High and Medium Activity (LHMA)
Boeretang 200
B-2400 Mol
Tel. : +32 14 33 30 64
Fax : +32 14 32 12 16