Confirmation of reading: your message - Date: 14 Aug 00, 14:27 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: definition of size Was read at 12:03, 15 Aug 100. Jens Wenzel Andreasen "If only those geologists would let me Dept. of Mineralogy alone, I could do very well, but those Institute of Geology dreadful hammers! I hear the clink of University of Copenhagen them at the end of every cadece of the Phone: +45 44 64 74 10 Bible verses." - John Ruskin, 1851
- RCPT: definition of size Sam Shaw
- RCPT: definition of size Carlos André de C. Perez
- RCPT: definition of size C.M.Chew
- RCPT: definition of size Rory M Wilson (CDH) 13-7938
- RCPT: definition of size Dr. Michael Tovar
- RCPT: definition of size Thomas Dyer
- RCPT: definition of size ROBIN SHIRLEY (USER)
- RCPT: definition of size Armando Garcia Perez
- RCPT: definition of size C.A.Kirk
- RCPT: definition of size Jens Wenzel Andreasen
- RCPT: definition of size Martina Andratschke
- RCPT: definition of size Paco Luis
- RCPT: definition of size Ralf Müller