(keeping the entire text of Robin's Email as it was not
Cc'd to the Rietveld list).

Robin Shirley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes: 
> Lachlan Cranswick writes [Fri, 5 Nov 1999 17:59:40 +0000 (GMT)]:
> > While the database system Armel has done looks good,,
> > this still leaves the problem of a common file
> > format.  If CIF was used, many of the problems/requests
> > described by Andrew would become non-issues.
> I'm reluctant to take issue with Lachlan, who does such a good job at 
> the CCP14 website, and indeed publishes CRYSFIRE from there.
> However, I have to say that I'd feel happier about supporting CIF as a common
> file format if (a) it were considerably simpler to read and (b) the CIF
> committee were more responsive to practical powder-related issues.
> Firstly let me say that, in a spirit of general co-operation, several years
> ago I extended CRYS/CRYSFIRE to support a basic form of CIF as a file-save
> option (i.e. for output).
> However I can't support it as an input format due to its excessive
> complexity.  I simply don't have the address space available in CRYS, and
> most of what's included in CIF would be irrelevant for this purpose.
> Also, my attitude is partly coloured by the fact that, both at Beijing in 
> 1993 and at Seattle in 1996, I submitted a formal proposal concerning a small 
> set of Powder-CIF extensions which would cover issues connected with indexing
> (copies emailed on request), as at present these are not touched on.
> On each occasion I took the precaution of first running them past Brian Toby 
> to confirm that their syntax was well formed.  And both times absolutely 
> nothing happened.  I didn't even receive the courtesy of an acknowledgement.
> Brian told me at Seattle that the committee seemed to have lost the 1993
> proposals.  After resubmitting them, I again got no reply, so I didn't bother
> trying again at Edinburgh.
> In the light of this, I'm afraid that as a software author I don't feel
> encouraged to put myself out to support CIF as a common file format, when
> the CIF committee rather gives the impression of living in an ivory tower 
> remote from actual users.
> Robin Shirley
> School of Human Sciences
> University of Surrey
> UK

For a sizable database, I don't see an alternative to CIF
for being able to transfer Crystallographic structure
and data information in a civilised manner (?)
(compared to having a dozen or so different formats where
things could become a mess quite quickly).   If not CIF,
then what?

(Does NEXUS just handle data - or can it include structure


On the single crystal side, Louis Farrugia's CIF conversion
software is very solid; showing good CIF conversion can be done,
both in converting "structure" and "reflection" data into
WinGX's shelx format.

How much programming effort (hours, days?) would it considered
standard to be able to program in a CIF to X converter for
say GSAS or Fullprof, or X?  Is any source code available that
could be used as a template for powder authors?

Is there any instance of a powder program being able to
import a CIF into the program's native powder format?


PS: With respect to Robin's comments on trying to get additions
to PowderCIF for Powder Indexing,;what is the present mechanism
for getting things implemented into the Powder CIF area?

Lachlan M. D. Cranswick

Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
    for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD U.K
Tel: +44-1925-603703  Fax: +44-1925-603124
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Ext: 3703  Room C14

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