Andrew S. Wills wrote :

>Armel, how would you feel about accepting magnetic data? -are you accepting
>all waifs and strays (sdf's in French)? :-) Or perhaps Alan, you would prefer
>to house them at the ILL.

I think that sounding opinions about doing or not a database, and
asking to researchers if they are ready to share their data would
have surprising results (large percentage of "no", very probably).

So, the question is, will the base increase ? The ICDD base receives
data from ICDD members, grants in aid, essentially (?), and the
failure of this method to provide a complete database is evident
with the recent add of calculated patterns from ICSD and in a
near future from CSD.

The size of PowBase for 80 patterns is 800Ko, thanks to compression
by Winzip. A base of 3000 patterns would be 30Mo, and this is
not a problem, even on a simple PC with full Internet connection. The
same PC stores already a base of more than 10000 most cited chemists
(ISI data). But clearly, ToF large data should be left at ISIS or elsewhere.
And a base of magnetic data would be self consistent at ILL. How to
manage a very simple database is explained at the PowBase Web site. 
But who wants to manage a free database apart me ?-)). Or who 
has permission to do it ? Is that possible at NIST ? Ask yourself why
such databases are so few. The Studsvisk database of amorphous
diffraction patterns (powder-like) is still underdeveloped (because
nobody sends data ?).

Now let us discuss about standard formats. Why CIF has to be
so complex ? The aim is to produce a completely self consistent
block of data which would allow to do not need the corresponding
publication at all. In fact, IUCr can almost produce automatically
a standard publication from a CIF file. And the atomic coordinates are
supposed to be included, of course. But if one considers that the
publication will be available separately, then the format has certainly
not to be so complete, and only the point by point intensities are
really needed (for a constant wavelength powder pattern). May be
you heard about PubMedCentral or E-Biomed, a free access project
for  electronic publications at NIH. It is a pity that the project was not
more general, because a big PubCentral would solve that problem : no
need for a so complete and complex CIF when publications are available
online (and for free...).

I would have one question about PDF-3. Up to now, ICDD never
produced atomic coordinates. And I guess that the World has been
commercially divided in databases with or without atomic
coordinates. So the question is, will the CIF star include atomic
coordinates inside PDF-3 ? If not, either the publication or another
database (ICSD, CSD) will be needed, eventually, if more than
an identification of a compound is the target.


Armel Le Bail

Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

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