N. Dragoe wrote :
>Also, I don't know where Armel got that 5000 XRD instruments, in my
>impression (au pif, Armel) I would rather say that the XRD lab instruments
>in the world is in the 10k to 20k range.

In the book 'Modern Powder Diffraction' (1989), Ron jenkins
gives an estimation (page 19) :
    20000 Debye-Scherrer cameras
    15000 powder diffractometers
    2000 Guinier cameras
I suggested that 5000 could deliver that minimum FWHM =0.04°,
but it is probably less. At least the latest Philips and Bruker
powder diffractometers can do it, and probably also the
machines of other manufacturers. See :

Such a number of users allow to consider that the FWHM
described in units of 'conventional X-ray at 1.54A' has sense
for many people.



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