>The confirmation of what I suspected : some peoples are
>more equal than others !-). 

Perhaps :-)  But Armel, if you or some-one else is interested
in setting up a neutron service in Grenoble as fast as at NIST, 
we would be very interested.  We can provide the equipment 
(D1A is quite competitive with the machines at NIST :-) but we
simply don't have the manpower to run it. 

Armel keeps telling me that X-rays are cheaper, but in reality
 *once you have the neutron source*  there is no difference - 
the cost is almost all manpower. 

>The most productive neutron experts are 3x more
>productive than the X-ray experts

Anybody from the ILL member countries who can write a successful 
research grant for a couple of postdocs to run D1A can join the 
"most productive neutron experts".  This is a serious offer !  

BTW, people tend to forget that a high resolution neutron powder 
pattern, even on D1A, only takes ~6 hours, faster than most high-
res.  X-ray  or synchrotron machines.  Can you say "cost effective " ?

Alan H.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33) 
ftp://ftp.ill.fr/pub/dif  fax (33)  http://www.ill.fr/dif/

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