Wouldn't it be better to do a `riak-admin replace`?  Leave could be problematic 
if there are other nodes in the cluster that are under-provisioned (disk space, 
for example).  Plus a leave and add would move the data around the cluster 
twice, for each node in the cluster, whereas a replace would just move the data 
to the new node once, no?


> On Feb 1, 2019, at 8:32 AM, Nicholas Adams <nicholas.ad...@tiot.jp> wrote:
> Hi Guido,
> Although Martin would be the most qualified to comment on this, I believe you 
> should be able to do a slow migration.
> Choose target node.
> Make target node leave cluster as in a full “riak-admin cluster leave”, 
> commit and wait for transfers to finish.
> Set up target node with leveled and TicTac AAE.
> Have node rejoin cluster and wait for transfers to finish.
> Repeat with every single node in the cluster until all have been done.
> Unless you are using specific features restricted to your current backend 
> then Riak will usually put up with multiple backends in the same cluster.
> Failing that, I’d go with Bryan’s suggestion to use MDC to replicate from 
> your existing cluster to a separate cluster that is using the leveled backend 
> and TicTac AAE.
> Either way, be sure to try in a dev environment first and only proceed when 
> you are happy with the process.
> Best regards,
> Nicholas
> From: riak-users <riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com> On Behalf Of Bryan Hunt
> Sent: 01 February 2019 19:22
> To: Guido Medina <gmed...@temetra.com>
> Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Subject: Re: [ANN] Riak 2.9.0 - Release Candidate 1 Available
> Replication would be the optimum solution - in theory anything can be 
> implemented - but it would be enormously painful in comparison to simply 
> standing up a new cluster.
> On 1 Feb 2019, at 10:14, Guido Medina <gmed...@temetra.com 
> <mailto:gmed...@temetra.com>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Nice work on the upcoming 2.9.0 release, I have a quick question:
> Will it be possible to switch from the eleveldb to the new leveled backend 
> and Tictac AAE for an existing cluster?
> In case it is not possible we are thinking to use the new replication and 
> move to a brand new cluster.
> Kind regards,
> Guido.
> On 30/01/2019 15:23, Nicholas Adams wrote:
> Dear All,
> Following on from Martin’s email, the initial builds of the KV 2.9.0rc1 
> packages are complete. Currently we are limited to Redhat/CentOS 6 and 7 as 
> well as Ubuntu Bionic. We shall be adding more packages over the next few 
> days. Please see https://files.tiot.jp/riak/kv/2.9/2.9.0rc1/ 
> <https://files.tiot.jp/riak/kv/2.9/2.9.0rc1/> to download.
> Disclaimer: This is a release candidate. Please do not use in production as 
> we expect bugs and abnormal functionality may occur in certain conditions. 
> However, please test this lots and place any issues on github so that they 
> can be fixed before the final release.
> Best regards,
> Nicholas
> From: riak-users <riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com> 
> <mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com> On Behalf Of Martin Sumner
> Sent: 30 January 2019 21:07
> To: riak-users@lists.basho.com <mailto:riak-users@lists.basho.com>
> Subject: [ANN] Riak 2.9.0 - Release Candidate 1 Available
> All,
> There is now a publicly available release candidate for Riak 2.9.0 for users 
> to test in their own environment.  The release candidate is available to 
> build from source here - https://github.com/basho/riak/tree/riak-2.9.0rc1 
> <https://github.com/basho/riak/tree/riak-2.9.0rc1>
> There is only one significant change to Riak 2.2.6 for users maintaining 
> existing configuration settings.  The release adds the `vnode_soft_limits` 
> feature that aims to reduce high percentile PUT latency, by checking the 
> outstanding work queue for a vnode before selecting it as a coordinator of a 
> PUT.
> With additional configuration, there are two major features added in riak 
> 2.9.0:
> - Support for the leveled backend (as an alternative to bitcask or eleveldb), 
> to provide for improved throughput in some use cases and lower tail latency 
> in some use cases 
> -https://github.com/martinsumner/riak_testing_notes/blob/master/Release%202.9%20-%20Choosing%20a%20Backend.md
> <https://github.com/martinsumner/riak_testing_notes/blob/master/Release%202.9%20-%20Choosing%20a%20Backend.md>;
> - Support for a new anti-entropy mechanism (Tictac AAE) as an alternative for 
> the existing anti-entropy mechanism (to provide both intra-cluster and 
> inter-cluster data repair, with greater flexibility and reliability).
> The release also adds support for:
> - The riak_core node_worker_pool - which provides a mechanism for queueing 
> background jobs and queries to control the resource consumed on the node by 
> different queries.  No pre-existing features will use the node-worker_pool.
> - AAE folds which allow for both cluster-wide AAE queries (e.g. produce a 
> merkle tree representing all or a partial range of the cluster data), and 
> administrative queries (e.g. discovering object sizes and sibling counts 
> within the database depending on bucket name, key range and last modified 
> date).  AAE folds depend on the Tictac AAE feature being activated.
> - An interface to request re-replication of an object (where variances 
> between clusters have been discovered).
> Further details of the release, and the release plan in general can be found 
> here - 
> https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/develop-2.9/doc/Release%202.9%20Series%20-%20Overview.md
> <https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/develop-2.9/doc/Release%202.9%20Series%20-%20Overview.md>.
> It is hoped that there will be a short period of about 1 month before the 
> release candidate will be converted into a formal release.  The period will 
> allow for more testing by Riak users, and also there will be further enhanced 
> testing of the new modules with the help of Quviq (http://www.quviq.com/ 
> <http://www.quviq.com/>).  
> There will follow additional releases under the 2.9 banner, targeted at 
> enhancing both new and existing inter-cluster replication features.  In 
> parallel to this, work will continue on Release 3.0 which is intended to 
> modernise the OTP/rebar platform used by Riak.
> Thanks to all those who contributed to the release.  Apologies to those who 
> have been kept waiting over the past few months as finalising the changes and 
> completing the testing has dragged on.
> Regards
> Martin
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