I have a 6 node cluster (now 7) with ring size 128. On adding the most
recent node I got the WARNING: Not all replicas will be on distinct nodes.
After the initial plan I ran the following sequence many times, but always
got the same plan output:

sudo riak-admin cluster clear && \
sleep 10 && \
sudo service riak start && \
sudo riak-admin wait-for-service riak_kv && \
sudo riak-admin cluster join riak@hqriak20.internal && \
sudo riak-admin cluster plan

The plan looked the same every time, and I eventually committed it because
the cluster capacity is running low:

Success: staged join request for 'riak@riak29.internal' to
=============================== Staged Changes
Action         Details(s)
join           'riak@riak29.internal'

NOTE: Applying these changes will result in 1 cluster transition

                         After cluster transition 1/1

================================= Membership
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
valid      17.2%     14.1%    'riak@riak20.internal'
valid      17.2%     14.8%    'riak@riak21.internal'
valid      16.4%     14.1%    'riak@riak22.internal'
valid      16.4%     14.1%    'riak@riak23.internal'
valid      16.4%     14.1%    'riak@riak24.internal'
valid      16.4%     14.8%    'riak@riak28.internal'
valid       0.0%     14.1%    'riak@riak29.internal'
Valid:7 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:0 / Down:0

WARNING: Not all replicas will be on distinct nodes

Transfers resulting from cluster changes: 18
  2 transfers from 'riak@riak28.internal' to 'riak@riak29.internal'
  3 transfers from 'riak@riak21.internal' to 'riak@riak29.internal'
  3 transfers from 'riak@riak23.internal' to 'riak@riak29.internal'
  3 transfers from 'riak@riak24.internal' to 'riak@riak29.internal'
  4 transfers from 'riak@riak20.internal' to 'riak@riak29.internal'
  3 transfers from 'riak@riak22.internal' to 'riak@riak29.internal'

My understanding is that if some replicas are not on distinct nodes then I
may have permanent data loss if a single physical node is lost (please let
me know if that is not correct). Questions:

How do I diagnose which node(s) have duplicate replicas?
What can I do to fix this situation?


P.S. I am unable to get anything useful out of `riak-admin diag`. It
appears to be broken on the version of Riak I'm using (2.2.1). Here's the
output I get:

$ sudo riak-admin diag
RPC to 'riak@hqriak20.internal' failed: {'EXIT',




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