Personally, I learn best by experimenting with code, so that's what I like to 
try to do next but, either option is good.  Go with what feels most comfortable 
for you. :-)

On Monday, July 17, 2017, 12:51:34 PM CDT, David Bloom <> 

Thank you Mark.  I look forward to absorbing as much material as I can.  Your 
articles on Udon look like a great starting point after completing LYSE book.  
Would you recommend completing erlang in anger book as well before diving into 
code or LYSE and just dive into it straight away?

On Jul 17, 2017 1:40 PM, "Mark Allen" <> wrote:

OK, I see that the project doesn't seem to support OTP 18, 19 or 20. I'll see 
if I can bump the deps and get it working using Heinz's fork tonight US time.On 
Monday, July 17, 2017, 12:38:07 PM CDT, Mark Allen <> wrote:

You might want to consider starting with udon, my "learn riak core" application 
I wrote a couple years ago: al/understanding-riak_core- building-handoff/ n1/building-distributed-applic 
ations-with-riak-core on

Happy to answer questions here, via twitter @bytemeorg, or github issues, or in 
irc on #riak (might be slow - I don't look at riak-user constantly.)

On Monday, July 17, 2017, 11:16:01 AM CDT, David Bloom <> 

Hello Riak list!  After watching many videos about Erlang and LFE in particular 
I think I get it and now understand the many benefits of the BEAM and thought 
that Riak would make an excellent tool to build applications with.
While getting excited I learned of Basho's current limbo status but still 
interested in learning Riak as it has already been adopted enough that it seems 
that Riak (or it's future open-source name whatever) is here to stay.
How can I compile a working Riak?  Is it daft of me to learn Erlang/LFE to get 
future work supporting existing Riak installations?  Though very new to the 
Erlang ecosystem, I've managed to use Kerl to install different versions of R16 
and R17, even used it to install Basho's patched R16 but nothing works.
Would it be better to try using the existing Riak containers on Docker Hub?  
Any thoughts or tips for a Lisper looking to work with and learn more Erlang?  
My resume available upon request.  Thanks in advance for your help.
-David Bloom______________________________ _________________
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