Lloyd, I too have a great distaste for the cost of those things.

I don't believe that's how developers should be forced to climb the
ladder for knowledge.
Nor do I believe developers should be pushed to create most of the
content for those conferences just to be able to afford attending.

I definitely share your reservations in this regard... I was just not
compelled to state it as such until you brought it up, I have never
and will likely never attend one.

I believe the Academy needs to go along with any effort to recover
this project, and I think the material should be open source as well.

On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Lloyd R. Prentice
<ll...@writersglen.com> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Many thanks for your informative and comforting post. The program you're 
> contemplating sounds sensible and, indeed, promising.
> Successful implementation and operation of Riak among enterprise users is in 
> everyone's interest. Erlang Solutions has an excellent track record in 
> support of Erlang. No doubt it would be a fine champion and conservator of 
> open source Riak.
> As an army-of-one-developer, with big dreams of an Erlang-based product,  I 
> do have one concern.
> I'm totally dependent on web-based documentation, tutorials, and the good 
> graces of folks on the mailing lists. As much as I'd like to attend Erlang 
> Solutions conferences and training sessions, they're priced far beyond my 
> budget.
> So, I do hope that in your support of Riak you don't forget that there are 
> indie developers with considerable interest in Erlang and Riak who, lacking 
> corporate backing and travel allowances, simply can't afford your enterprise 
> offerings.
> Beyond that, you have my vote and support in anyway within my means.
> All the best,
> Lloyd
> Writersglen Publications
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jul 15, 2017, at 4:22 AM, Steve Roberts 
>> <steve.robe...@erlang-solutions.com> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> Great to see there is so much enthusiasm for Riak.
>> I'm from Erlang Solutions. Just to clarify where things are at the moment. 
>> The company Basho Technologies still exists - it hasn't filed for bankruptcy 
>> yet - although we expect it to. There is no grave just yet.  We are 
>> creditors and shareholders so we will be notified when/if they do file for 
>> bankruptcy.  Assuming it goes into liquidation, the receiver will sell 
>> whatever assets can be liquidated in order to pay the creditors.   
>> Registered names like Riak are things which can be sold... so we will see. 
>> it will probably take a long time before Basho is truly dead and buried.
>> I've asked our CEO  Stuart Whitfield (who happens to be a lawyer) to look at 
>> the legal questions and give a more detailed view.
>> As Russell correctly points out existing customers are the priority.  In 
>> terms of our thoughts of this situation, our priority is to ensure 
>> enterprise customers have continuity of support since they are the ones most 
>> likely to abandon Riak as it will be a forced migration situation if there 
>> is no support. I expect to  launch a paid support service very shortly  -  
>> if you're interested, let me know.
>> In terms of Riak software, the open source software is safe since it is open 
>> sourced under a friendly licence.  The situation with the code for the 
>> enterprise version is not clear yet (highly dependent who/if it is bought in 
>> the fire sale since it is closed source) - although we aim, one way or 
>> another, to have an open source data centre replication layer. Not sure who 
>> is using the other functionality like super clusters in the the enterprise 
>> version - ping me if you are.
>> In terms of the products, KV is the priority for support followed by CS/S2.  
>> There aren't many people using TS so it will probably be community support 
>> for the code. I already have some interest from a former developer  to move 
>> TS forward - if others want to work on TS I can help co-ordinate in the 
>> interim.
>> In terms of evolving the code we're happy to co-ordinate a community and 
>> help steer the future direction for the product.  We are looking whether 
>> this should be done through a similar model to the Linux foundation.
>> For major feature development, our thoughts are some kind of crowd funding 
>> model for functionality which requires significant development effort - 
>> Basho funded this activity through support and being closed source which 
>> doesnt really work in a completely open source model.  Our goal would be to 
>> have just the open source version and no closed source code. Where possible 
>> we wouldnt want customers to have closed source forks.
>> We definitely see Riak has a future and want to focus on getting back to 
>> basics of a product which is high performance and does it well - before 
>> adding lots of new functionality. For example ensure there is a clean 
>> demarcation between the data layer and the control layer - this should make 
>> it easier to create new storage types and change the replication layer. 
>> Right now for those of Enterprise, migration back  to Open Source is not 
>> straight forward because of this.
>> If you are planning to set up groups etc, please let me know and our 
>> marketing group can help you establish the community.
>> Steve
>>> On 15/07/17 08:08, Russell Brown wrote:
>>>> On 15 Jul 2017, at 01:29, Alexander Sicular <sicul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm not dancing on anyone's grave. Im a big fan of Riak, you know? I'm 
>>>> just pointing out that there is in fact a grave and if there is any hope 
>>>> for a Riak future the project will have to rebrand.
>>> This is the thing we disagree on. But like I said before, neither of us is 
>>> a lawyer, and even if you’re right, it hardly matters. It’s inconsequential.
>>>> I'm sorry, but no company in their right mind would seriously consider 
>>>> using Riak today if they weren't already using Riak. That's today, the 
>>>> story may change tomorrow.
>>> Again, I disagree, but I’m personally not that interested in looking for 
>>> new Riak users at the moment. I think now is the time to shore up the 
>>> existing customers who want to stay with Riak. Chasing non-existent new 
>>> business whilst ignoring the core users is a large part of what did for 
>>> Basho.
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 5:41 PM, Russell Brown <russell.br...@mac.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 14 Jul 2017, at 23:36, Dave King <djk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> You asked what difference the tm made.  The tm invokes clause 6.  So yes 
>>>>>> it means moving forward means a new name.  That's one of the things to 
>>>>>> be considered.
>>>>> Agree, so if we’re sticking to the subject, “Is Riak dead?” the worst 
>>>>> case is: “No, but potentially the name could be some time in the future”, 
>>>>> right?
>>>>> I asked rhetorically what difference the TM made. I’ve also read the 
>>>>> license, and taken legal advice. This was not in any way a surprise.
>>>>>> - Peace
>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Russell Brown <russell.br...@mac.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 14 Jul 2017, at 23:28, Dave King <djk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> No, but I can read.
>>>>>> I read it too. I’m not sure what your point is. A day may come when the 
>>>>>> name has to change?
>>>>>>> - Peace
>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Russell Brown <russell.br...@mac.com> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 14 Jul 2017, at 23:26, Dave King <djk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade 
>>>>>>>> names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, 
>>>>>>>> except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the 
>>>>>>>> origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
>>>>>>>> So At minimum I read that as there would need to be a new product 
>>>>>>>> name, and the docs for that product could say formerly known as Riak.
>>>>>>> You are lawyer?
>>>>>>>> - Peace
>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 4:22 PM, Russell Brown <russell.br...@mac.com> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 14 Jul 2017, at 23:17, Dave King <djk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Looks like Basho has the trademark on Riak.
>>>>>>>>> http://www.trademarkia.com/riak-77954950.html
>>>>>>>> They sure do. And if you look at the Apache2 license you’ll see that 
>>>>>>>> it grants use of the name to identify the source.
>>>>>>>> Look, I’m not a lawyer, and I’m guessing you’re not a lawyer. What 
>>>>>>>> difference does the name or trademark make? There are a bunch of 
>>>>>>>> active users of Riak, some of whom have made it clear they plan to 
>>>>>>>> continue using it. Dance on Basho’s grave all you want, but Riak isn’t 
>>>>>>>> dead yet.
>>>>>>>>> - Peace
>>>>>>>>> Dave
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 4:08 PM, Alexander Sicular 
>>>>>>>>> <sicul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 14, 2017, at 11:32, Russell Brown <russell.br...@mac.com> 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> What do you mean “encumbered”? Riak is the name of an Apache2 
>>>>>>>>>> licensed open source database, so it can continue to be used to 
>>>>>>>>>> describe that apache 2 licensed database, please don’t spread FUD.
>>>>>>>>> You willing to invest time in a project that could be legally 
>>>>>>>>> encumbered at some point in the future because lawyers? You willing 
>>>>>>>>> to put that beyond the clown fiesta that is Basho? I don't think so.
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>> --
>> Regards
>> Steve Roberts
>> +44-7887-852-920
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