
A number of definitions and explanations of VNodes can be found in various 
sites on the web.  I think I have a somewhat fuzzy understanding of VNodes and 
how they are replicated around the ring in a Riak Core cluster. 

Slide 11 in the slide deck below shows "Your App" resting on top of Riak Core 
and around Riak KV:


What's not clear to me is, if "Your App"  has multiple functionalities or 
services, how are these different functionalities mapped to VNodes?

For instance, say one functionality requires user input, another obtains a 
value from a sensor, another computes and stores a second value, and yet 
another graphs and displays those values to the user. 

How is a system such as this mapped to VNodes in Riak Core--- all wrapped into 
a single VNode implementation or parsed across VNodes of different type or 
functionality and all replicated in the same ring? 

Many thanks,


Sent from my iPad

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