Hi Fred,
This solved our issue, thanks a lot.
On 01/06/17 13:26, Fred Dushin wrote:
There may be better ways, but what I would do is:
Stop Riak, blow away your ${platform_data_dir}/anti_entropy directory
(and yz_anti_entropy, if you have search enabled), and restart. This
will force a rebuild of your hash trees. They rebuild automatically
anyway; this is just making them rebuild faster.
So it would recover .. eventually.
On Jun 1, 2017, at 7:13 AM, Guido Medina <gmed...@temetra.com
<mailto:gmed...@temetra.com>> wrote:
*Correction:* I replied to an old e-mail instead of creating a new
one and forgot to change the subject.
Hi all,
My impression of Riak has always been that it would recover from
anything but yesterday we had the worst happened, there was a power
outage so all the servers in a Riak cluster went down, once they were
back we have been having these constant so my questions are:
* How can I recover from this?
* Isn't Riak supposed to restore corrupted hashes from other nodes?
2017-06-01 12:07:43.795 [info]
riak_kv/1164634117248063262943561351070788031288321245184: unable to
start index_hashtree: {error,{{badmatch,{error,{db_open,"Corruption:
truncated record at end of
2017-06-01 12:07:45.457 [error] <0.27505.112> CRASH REPORT Process
<0.27505.112> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no match of
right hand value {error,{db_open,"Corruption: truncated record at
end of file"}} in hashtree:new_segment_store/2 line 725 in
gen_server:init_it/6 line 328
This is not our production cluster but our development is now stuck
because all the data we had there would take days to restore from
another cluster, I hope there is a solvable problem.
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