The rebar3 branch of riak_core is very far along - as I recall it works
in OTP-19 and _should_ work in OTP-20.

I cannot remember the name of the equivalent branch in riak_kv - perhaps
Ted can shed some light on that.


Russell Brown <> writes:

> Ugh, sent it too fast, sorry. I also meant to add:
>>> AFAIK, there are still quite a few remaining issues in Riak's code base 
>>> that need to be resolved before the database itself can be compiled and run 
>>> on OTP-19+
> Is there a list of them somewhere so that the community can pitch in and help?
> On 30 May 2017, at 07:26, Russell Brown <> wrote:
>> On 29 May 2017, at 10:11, Magnus Kessler <> wrote:
>>> On 27 May 2017 at 10:43, Senthilkumar Peelikkampatti <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Any timeline for upgrading Riak to OTP 19? OTP 20 is expected in few weeks. 
>>> It is holding us back niceties like improved maps etc. from the upgrade.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Senthil
>>> Hi Senthil,
>>> AFAIK, there are still quite a few remaining issues in Riak's code base 
>>> that need to be resolved before the database itself can be compiled and run 
>>> on OTP-19+.
>> Is there a timeline for when they might be resolved? An idea as to when an 
>> OTP19 Riak might be released?
>>> However, IIRC the Riak Erlang Client can be compiled on OTP-19, and some 
>>> preliminary testing I did last year suggests that it works OK. If you go 
>>> down that route, please test your own build of the Riak Erlang Client 
>>> carefully.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Magnus
>>> -- 
>>> Magnus Kessler
>>> Client Services Engineer
>>> Basho Technologies Limited
>>> Registered Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431
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