Hi Charles -

Extend the read and write timeouts using this setting:


The above example extends it to 60 seconds.

The default is 4 seconds which may be too short if you are running
long queries. If 4 seconds is exceeded, the socket read times out and
the client assumes that there is an issue with the node, marking it
down. Eventually, all nodes can be marked down.
Luke Bakken

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 11:03 AM, Charles Solar <charlesso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi list - I'm currently running both Riak and RiakTS in a lab environment
> for testing and my clients writing data get
> "ClusterOffline Unable to access functioning Riak node"
> errors fairly often.  I am wondering if this is an indication that I need to
> add more nodes to increase capacity? Or tune some other settings?
> I've looked through Riak logs and there is no indication of a problem, are
> there other diagnostics I can do?
> Im finding RiakTS commits fail with this commit far more often.
> I'm using the C# client, nodePollTime 5000, retryWaitTime 100, retryCount 3
> with 7 riak nodes and 3 riakts nodes.
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