Hi all,
Greeting for this day.

I have successfully inserted data into the riak database using riak-python
client and currently, I'm using single node configuration. I'm refering to
http://riak-python-client.readthedocs.io/en/2.2.0/client.html this website
for a tutorial but I'm having lots of problem in getting the clear solution.

my system configuration is:
OS - Ubuntu Trusty LTS
Python - 2.7.6
Riak KV - 2.1.4

So my question is that now:

Q) I want to see what are all the buckets that are present in my database
at this moment?
Q) If I know the name of the buckets then is there any way to retrieve all
the keys that bucket have?
Q) Is there any possibility by which we can specify the *WHERE *condition
as we do in SQL?

Please help me in this.
Any documentation or website or any kind of help is apprecited.

Mr. Coder,
MTECH in Distributed Database,
National Institute of Technology. INDIA
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