
I finally found the problem : the riak and riak-cs config files where
stored in my app container, not in my persistent data container (where the
riak data is).
Whenever I upgraded the app container to a newly generated one, the conf
files and especially the admin user credentials did not match.

Yet, two things are rather surprising :

   - AFAIK all the provided riak + Docker examples did not bother to
   properly store those conf files in a Docker volume, so they suffer from the
   same problem and cannot be used as is ;
   - IMHO the riak-cs error is completely misleading and useless :
   "notfound" should be "admin_user_not_found" or "invalid_admin_user".

Please feel free to ask me any question so that I can help understanding
this and fix this misleading and - quite frankly completely useless -
"notfound" error message.

I hope this helps.


2017-03-08 15:04 GMT+01:00 Luca Favatella <

> On 6 March 2017 at 03:49, Toby Corkindale <t...@dryft.net> wrote:
> >
> > I tried quite hard to get Riak to work reliably in a Docker container,
> in a long-term-use kind of way.
> > Riak would never shutdown cleanly, though, and so at startup there would
> always be lots of lock files left around that had to be deleted first.
> >
> > Riak is not well-behaved after a rough shutdown -- whether in a Docker
> container, or running on bare metal. Tends to require sysadmin intervention
> to clean things up.
> >
> > If you're running it in a Docker container, you need to figure out a way
> to capture the incoming SIGTERM and then use that to shutdown Riak cleanly.
> I never got that far.
> Hi,
> I opened a ticket for tracking wish to use SIGTERM for stopping Riak KV:
>   https://github.com/basho/riak/issues/899
> Thanks for sharing your experiences.
> Regards
> Luca

*Jean-Marc Le Roux*

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