
> Hi All, I have a 3 node cluster hosting a Riak TS database. During a query
> I run into a 1022 error. The characteristics of my data and other setup is
> below. I am trying to understand
> 1) the error and remedy
> 2) what are good conf setting for my case.
> Data:
> 1 minute interval with 30 columns per minute. Indexed on time (quantum of
> 1d) and two other columns.
> Query:
>       avg(<some column>) where time > t1 and time < t2 and key1=<some val>
> and key2 =<someval>
> Strangely enough, the query works when t2-t1 <= 5 days; however, for any
> duration longer than that I get a 1022 error (projected result of query is
> too big). I am using RiakTS v1.5 and it seems in this version this setting
> is controlled by riak_kv.query.timeseries.max_quanta_span (set to 5K/(1K
> actual?) ); so, is the result purely a coincidence?
> It is hard to determine whether this is a coincidence without having the
actual dataset. The bug is fixed in
Riak TS 1.5.1, download here: http://docs.basho.com/riak/ts/1.5.1/downloads/

> w.r.t 1022 error: Docs say that max_returned_data_size is the parameter I
> can tune to fix this issue.
> However, it seems this parameter controls the size of the result; so, Is
> there any reason I get this error code on a avg calculation?
> I have not changed the max_returned_data_size setting to see if it will fix
> the issue; just trying to understand whether this is the size of the data
> scanned or size of the data returned
> Aggregate functions like AVG use the max_returned_data_size setting like a
non-aggregate query, though
the result is one row. Setting it high enough to hold the query results
should allow the query to complete.

> Finally, I have 1m interval data for a year and in a production setting I
> would like to go to 10s data for 3 years; Are there any recommended value
> for quanta I should be using?
> I would really appreciate any insight/input into the issue and any
> recommendation on how to configure the table.
> There is some advice in the docs on quantum size here.


> Best,
> C.S.N
> Cheers
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