Hi, you should consider using Riak TS for this use case. 



Sent from my iRotaryPhone

> On Jan 27, 2017, at 01:54, Alex Feng <sweden.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am wondering if there are some best practice or recommendation for how many 
> keys inside a single bucket?
> Let's say I have some sensors reporting data every 5 seconds, I can put all 
> these data under one single bucket, or I can dynamically generate a bucket 
> every day.
> My question is,   is there any performance difference for "insert", "query" 
> etc. between them?  for example,  1 million records under one bucket and 10k 
> records under 100 buckets ? 
> Thank you.
> Br,
> Alex
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