Hi Shaun,

Thank you for the clarification.

Have a great day!


2017-01-18 10:22 GMT+01:00 Shaun McVey <smc...@basho.com>:

> Hi Alex,
> The claimant node is used in operations related to adding/removing nodes
> from the cluster, things like that.  If the node dies, for example, due to
> hardware failure, then the cluster will still continue to operate
> normally.  In this regard, there's nothing special about the claimant
> node.  During normal operations, it's just like any other node.  It's only
> when attempting to run certain administrative commands that you'd find it
> doesn't work.  You just simply mark it as down though and the cluster will
> re-elect a new claimant to take over the role and you can continue.
> Kind Regards,
> Shaun
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 9:05 AM, Alex Feng <sweden.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Basho Users,
>> I have some questions regarding claimant node, what does it really mean ?
>> How a claimant node differs from the other nodes ?
>> If a claimant node is down, then the whole cluster stop working until I
>> mark it down from other working node, right ? How do we avoid this kind of
>> SPOF ?
>> Thank you.
>> Br,
>> Alex
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