Greetings, I am not able to answer your tombstone questions. That question needs a better expert.
Just wanted to point out that Riak now has global expiry in both the leveldb and bitcask backends. That might be a quicker solution for your frequent delete operations: Technical details for the leveldb expiry are found here: <> Matthew > On Dec 30, 2016, at 9:55 AM, Arun Rajagopalan <> > wrote: > > Hello Riakers > > I wonder if there is anyway to delete all tombstones that were left behind > when delete_mode was set to 'keep' > > Also how do I estimate how much space the tombstones take ? We have a ton of > large scale and frequent delete operations and I suspect some space is used > by Tombstones. I would like to find out if it is significant enough to > warrant some cleanup. If it does, how do I remove them? > > Thanks and wish you all Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous 2017 ! > > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > >
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