Hinted handoff from adding a node, removing a node or failing a node? Could
probably get some idea from a ring handler, hinted handoff could likely
very well trigger its own event as well without a large modification to

On Sunday, July 24, 2016, Sargun Dhillon <sar...@sargun.me> wrote:

> It might also make a lot of sense to roll your own secondary indices. That
> is, have a CRDT set represent the primary key of the rows which meet the 2i
> condition. In that, you can query the CRDT set, and ensure some level of
> consistency. There are further tricks to be played here if interested.
> I'm curious, what is your data model?
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Alexander Sicular <sicul...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','sicul...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> Take a look at the "pw" and "pr" tunable consistency options for gets and
>> puts. The base level of abstraction in Riak is the virtual node - not the
>> physical machine. When data is replicated it is replicated to a replica set
>> of virtual nodes. Those virtual nodes have primary and secondary (due to
>> failures) allocations to physical machines. When using "pr" and "pw"
>> options you instruct Riak to only service the request from virtual nodes
>> that are residing on their primarily allocated physical machines. In short,
>> by abusing pr/pw you can infer the state of your cluster from your
>> application.
>> Obviously, this is not foolproof. There may also be additional 2i
>> specific issues to consider. Nevertheless, I always liked this trick.
>> Also, review this four part series on tunable consistency :
>> http://basho.com/posts/technical/understanding-riaks-configurable-behaviors-part-1/
>> http://basho.com/posts/technical/riaks-config-behaviors-part-2/
>> http://basho.com/posts/technical/riaks-config-behaviors-part-3/
>> http://basho.com/posts/technical/riaks-config-behaviors-part-4/
>> -Alexander
>> @siculars
>> http://siculars.posthaven.com
>> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
>> On Jul 22, 2016, at 12:28, Hawk Newton <hawk.new...@gmail.com
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','hawk.new...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> I've got a use case in which I'd like to use a secondary index but can't
>> tolerate partial result sets caused by hinted handoffs.  I'm not currently
>> running riak search and, as this is a fringe case, would prefer not add
>> the
>> additional overhead and complexity if I can help it.
>> I'd like to detect a hinted handoff operation and throw a 503, if
>> possible.
>> Does anyone know of a way I can programatically detect if a hinted handoff
>> is underway without having to shell out to riak-admin (yuck!) and parse
>> the
>> results? I'm running riak 2.0.5 at the moment.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> -- Hawk
>> --
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>> Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com
>> <http://nabble.com>.
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