Due to some reason, our riak cluster does not support multi-backend which
supports per bucket expiry.

so the TTL is per riak cluster now, TTL is 3 days,  but I only need to keep
the keys for 6 hours for my bucket, I am deleting the old keys with a cron
job periodically.

Is there any other option rather than re-architect our Riak cluster to
support multi-backend?

On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 9:36 PM, Daniel Abrahamsson <
daniel.abrahams...@klarna.com> wrote:

> As Alexander points out, the bitcask auto expiry feature [1] seems to fit
> your use case. You should also have a look at your bitcask merge settings
> [1] and your logs, to ensure merges are triggered when you want them to.
> [1] http://docs.basho.com/riak/kv/2.0.6/configuring/backend/#bitcask
> //Daniel
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