Here it is without the `value` part of request:

curl '$bucket/_?max_results=10&continuation=g20AAAAja1AzdzJwOXpYcVoyb0F4NDhTMVNnRUpBbGJ0ZkhVdkk6MjU=


On 11 March 2016 at 14:58, Oleksiy Krivoshey <> wrote:

> I'm actually using PB interface, but I can replicate the problem with HTTP
> as in my previous email. Request with '&continuation=AAAA' returns the
> result set with the same continuation AAAA.
> On 11 March 2016 at 14:55, Magnus Kessler <> wrote:
>> Hi Oleksiy,
>> How are you performing your 2i-based key listing? Querying with
>> pagination as shown in the documentation[0] should work.
>> As an example here is the HTTP invocation:
>> curl "
>> https://localhost:8098/types/default/buckets/test/index/\$bucket/_?max_results=10&continuation=g20AAAACNTM=
>> "
>> Once the end of the key list is reached, the server returns an empty keys
>> list and no further continuation value.
>> Please let me know if this works for you.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Magnus
>> [0]:
>> On 11 March 2016 at 10:06, Oleksiy Krivoshey <> wrote:
>>> Anyone?
>>> On 4 March 2016 at 19:11, Oleksiy Krivoshey <> wrote:
>>>> I have a bucket with ~200 keys in it and I wanted to iterate them with
>>>> the help of $bucket index and 2i request, however I'm facing the recursive
>>>> behaviour, for example I send the following 2i request:
>>>> {
>>>> bucket: 'BUCKET_NAME',
>>>> type: 'BUCKET_TYPE',
>>>> index: '$bucket',
>>>> key: 'BUCKET_NAME',
>>>> qtype: 0,
>>>> max_results: 10,
>>>> continuation: 'AAAA'
>>>> }
>>>> I receive 10 keys and continuation 'BBBB', I then repeat the request
>>>> with continuation 'BBBB' and at this point I can receive a reply with
>>>> continuation 'CCCC' or 'AAAA' or even 'BBBB' and its going in never ending
>>>> recursion.
>>>> I'm running this on a 5 node 2.1.3 cluster.
>>>> What I'm doing wrong? Or is this not supported at all?
>>>> Thanks!
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>> Magnus Kessler
>> Client Services Engineer
>> Basho Technologies Limited
>> Registered Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431
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