did some investigation
- this problem seems to be the same as described in
https://github.com/basho/riak/issues/415 (and others)
- using the erlang interface i retrieved the bucket list as:
so i guess, it was not the best idea to retrieve data using the http
interface and rather use other interfaces erlang for instance.
sorry for any noise.
On 02/26/2016 01:49 PM, Gustav Spellauge wrote:
i'm kind of new to the world of riak but i succeeded to install and
configure riak_2.1.3 (5 instances on 5 machines running debian
jessie), riak-cs_2.1.1, riak-cs-control_1.0.2 and stanchion_2.1.1.
everything works fine but i'm observing a strange behavior:
when i had finished installation and configuration, i was able to
obtain a bucket list from riak
the command curl -s http://localhost:8098/buckets?buckets=true|json_pp
"buckets" : [
after i copied (using s3cmd) some files into riak-cs this was no
longer possible
the command curl -s http://svc.softing.com:8098/buckets?buckets=true
now returnes
<html><head><title>500 Internal Server
Error</title></head><body><h1>Internal Server Error</h1>The server
encountered an error while processing this
web server</ADDRESS></body></html>
might i have done some kind misconfiguration? what can i do to get a
bucket list from riak? should i be worried?
thanks in advance for your answer, gustav
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