The coverage plan can change per query. Are you providing a sort on the query? 
If not or if by score, does each  item return the same score?

Zeeshan Lakhani
programmer | 
software engineer at @basho | 
org. member/founder of @papers_we_love |
twitter => @zeeshanlakhani

> On Dec 21, 2015, at 18:34, Garrido <> wrote:
> Hello, 
> Recently we migrated our Riak nodes to another network, so we backup the data 
> and then regenerate the ring, all is well, but there is a strange behaviour 
> in a riak search, for example if we execute a query using the 
> riak_erlang_client, returns the objects in the order:
> A, B, C
> And then if we execute again the same query the result is:
> B, A, C, 
> So, in other order, do you know what is causing this?, before to change our 
> riak ring to another network, it was working perfectly.
> Thank you
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