Hi Hristo,

I had this experience when the consistency subsystem was not ready.

I use riak-admin ensemble-status to check it. It may take 10 minutes to have it 

What HW are you using? How many nodes are up? Do you use your laptop for alk 
the nodes or you experience the situation in a production envirinment? Whar 
version of RIAK are you working with?


> On Sep 21, 2015, at 22:49, Hristo Asenov <hristo.s.ase...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I am trying to use a strongly consistent bucket and cannot initialize any of 
> the keys. If I perform a GET on the key I want to write to, I get an error 
> that Precondition Failed. However, if I try to write to the key without 
> context (since I cannot get a Vector Clock), I get a timeout.
> In 
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/advanced/strong-consistency/#Causal-Context
>  it says that “it is possible to make writes to non-existing keys without 
> attaching context”. Also, in 
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/advanced/strong-consistency/#Strongly-Consistent-Writes,
>  it says that “If you know that a key does not yet exist, you can write to 
> that key without supplying a context with the object”. However, there are no 
> instructions on how to actually do that. I am wondering what are the commands 
> needed to actually write a value to the key in the first place, so that it 
> can read on subsequent writes.
> - Hristo
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